Công bố KH&CN Tìm thấy 1,263 kết quả trong 0.0057621002197266 giây
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1261 The virome of acute respiratory diseases in individuals at risk of zoonotic infections


VIZIONS Consortium; van Tan L.; Baker S.; Vapalahti O.; Virtala A.-M.K.; Delwart E.; Thwaites G.; Deng X.; Thu Ha L.T.; Han D.A.; Huong D.T.; Trung Nghia H.D.; van Doorn H.R.; Thanh Tam P.T.; Phuc T.M.; Han Ny N.T.; Thu Hong N.T.; Kha Tu N.T.; Volume 12, Issue 9, 2020,
1262 Policy Note: Policy Responses to Ensure Access to Water and Sanitation Services during COVID-19: Snapshots from the Environment for Development (EfD) Network

Water Economics and Policy

Cook J.; Visser M.; Viguera B.; Ponce R.; Nam P.K.; Madrigal-Ballestero R.; Fuente D.; Chukwuone N.; Cook J.; Bonilla J.A.; Bbaale E.; Amuakwa-Mensah F.; Amoah A.; Amaechina E.; Volume 6, Issue 4, 2020,
1263 Off-the-shelf mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord tissue can significantly improve symptoms in COVID-19 patients: An analysis of evidential relations

World Journal of Stem Cells

Vu N.B.; Pham P.V.; Volume 12, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 721-730
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