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CAMO: Self-Excited and Hidden Chaotic Flows

Rajagopal K. Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, Institute of Research and Development, Defence University, Ethiopia|
Jafari S. Nonlinear Systems and Applications, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam| Srinivasan A. Centre for Non-Linear Dynamics, Defense University, Ethiopia| Karthikeyan A. Department of Electronics Engineering, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India| Nazarimehr F. Biomedical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, 15875-4413, Iran|

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Số 11, năm 2019 (Tập 29, trang -)

DOI: 10.1142/S0218127419501438

Tài liệu thuộc danh mục: ISI, Scopus


Từ khóa: Chaotic systems; Lyapunov methods; Adomian Decomposition Method; Bifurcation diagram; Fractional order; Fractional order models; Hidden attractor; Lyapunov exponent; Power efficiency; Self - excited; Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)
Tóm tắt tiếng anh
In this paper, we announce a novel 4D chaotic system which belongs to the self-excited attractor and hidden attractor family depending on the parameter values. Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagram and bicoherence plot of the CAMO (Camouflage) chaotic system are investigated. Also, fractional-order model of the proposed CAMO system (FOCAMO) is derived and analyzed. FOCAMO chaotic system is then implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) using Adomian decomposition method. Also, power efficiency analysis for various fractional-orders is investigated. The paper helps build a better understanding of chaotic systems with self-excited or hidden attractors. � 2019 World Scientific Publishing Company.

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