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Hardware design and implementation of MIMO Eigenbeam-space division multiplexing systems for future wireless communications networks

Hieu N.T. DCSELAB, University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam|
Phuong N.H. | Thanh V.D. University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam| Van Tho T. University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam| Phu B.H. Hochiminh City University of Transport, Viet Nam|

International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications Số , năm 2013 (Tập , trang 728-732)

ISSN: 21621039

ISSN: 21621039

DOI: 10.1109/ATC.2013.6698212

Tài liệu thuộc danh mục: Scopus

Conference Paper


Từ khóa: Design and implementations; E-SDM; Eigenbeam-space division multiplexing; Hardware design; High-speed data transmission; Multiple-input-multiple-output systems; Wireless communications networks; ZF; Computer aided analysis; Design; Digital signal processing; Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA); Hardware; MIMO systems; Multiplexing equipment; Optimization; Wireless telecommunication systems; Space division multiple access
Tóm tắt tiếng anh
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems applying the Eigenbeam-Space Division Multiplexing (E-SDM) technique can be considered as optimal MIMO systems because of providing the highest channel capacity and good communications reliability. In the systems, orthogonal transmission beams are formed between transmit and receive sides; and also optimal transmit input data are adaptively allocated. In addition, a simple detection can be used at receiver to totally eliminate sub-stream interference. Therefore, MIMO E-SDM systems have been considered as a good potential technology for future high speed data transmission networks. Although there have been a lot of technical papers evaluated the systems based on theory analyses and/or computer-based simulation, just few ones have been considered the MIMO E-SDM systems based on hardware design. The main contribution of this paper is to present our own full design and implementation of 2�2 and 2�3 MIMO E-SDM systems on FPGA Altera Stratix DSP Development KIT using Verilog HDL, an important step before going to make integrated circuits. The biterror rate performance of these systems has shown that our design is successful. In the paper, we also show the consumption of FPGA elements for our design of the systems. � 2013 IEEE.

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