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The Merged Clock Gating Architecture for Low Power Digital Clock Application on FPGA

Vo M.H. Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Education, Viet Nam|

International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications Số , năm 2018 (Tập 2018-October, trang 282-286)

ISSN: 143867

ISSN: 143867

DOI: 10.1109/ATC.2018.8587596

Tài liệu thuộc danh mục: Scopus

Int. Conf. Adv. Technol. Commun.


Từ khóa: Architecture; Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA); Memory architecture; Clock gating; Clock gating techniques; Digital clocks; Dynamic Power; Low Power; Operation temperature; Proposed architectures; Total power consumption; Clocks
Tóm tắt tiếng anh
We propose a novel merged clock gating architecture to design low power digital clock which groups all clock gating signals together into a single clock gating signal, then uses one DEMUX gate to process and split the single clock gating signal into many different clocks. We compare the proposed technique with the conventional clock gating technique and no-clock gating technique in term of clock power, dynamic power and total power consumption. The simulation results in Spartan-3E shows total consumption power that the proposed architecture can save 3.45%, 26.53%, 50.69%, 53.15%, 53.13% compared to the no-clock gating and 1.19%, 1.85%, 11.83%, 14.76%, 15.67% compared to the conventional clock gating technique in operation frequency of 100MHz, 1GHz, 10GHz, 100GHz and 1THz, respectively. Moreover, the proposed technique can reduce to 20.88% and 5.28% compared to the no-clock gating and the conventional clock gating in term of the created operation temperature, respectively. The number of LUTs also decreases to 175 instead of 179 in the other clock gating techniques. � 2018 IEEE.

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