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How realist is informational structural realism?

Wheeler College of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Viet Nam|
Billy (57189379475) |

Synthese Số 6, năm 2022 (Tập 200, trang -)

ISSN: 397857

ISSN: 397857


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Tóm tắt tiếng anh
Informational structural realism (ISR) offers a new way to understand the nature of the “structure” that structural realists claim our best scientific theories get right about the world. According to Luciano Floridi, who has given the most detailed formulation of ISR so far, this structure is composed of information representing binary differences. In this paper I assess whether ISR offers a good way to resolve the tension between the no miracle argument (often taken to support scientific realism) and the pessimistic meta-induction (often taken to support antirealism). With regards to this important motivation for structural realism, I shall argue that ISR faces insurmountable difficulties. However, I agree that interpreting “structure” in terms of information can be profitable for the realist. Instead, I offer a new version of ISR that borrows from algorithmic information theory. As a result, a more realist version of ISR is provided. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.

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