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Uncovering trends in the accumulation of technological capabilities and skills in the Mozambican manufacturing sector

Oxford Development Studies Số 2, năm 2010 (Tập 38, trang 171-198)

ISSN: 13600818

ISSN: 13600818

DOI: 10.1080/13600811003753388

Tài liệu thuộc danh mục: Scopus



Từ khóa: chemical industry; foreign direct investment; industrial policy; manufacturing; metals industry; technological development; technology transfer; Mozambique
Tóm tắt tiếng anh
This paper examines the formation and accumulation of skills and technological capabilities in the Mozambican metalworking and light chemical sectors. To this end, it deploys Sanjaya Lall's technology capabilities framework to examine these processes in the context of historical dynamics taking place in Mozambique in the economic and industrial policy spheres. This analysis shows that these two industries are experiencing a process of gradual technological obsolescence combined with a progressive simplification of production processes that is leading to a weakening of their technology capability and skill base. In this context, neither foreign direct investment nor other technology transfer mechanisms appears to have been able to reverse these trends. In light of available evidence, this paper argues that this process can be seen as a response to a deteriorating policy and economic environment that in the past two decades has undermined investments in industrial technological development in Mozambique. � 2010 International Development Centre, Oxford.

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