Công bố KH&CN Tìm thấy 36 kết quả trong 0.00077104568481445 giây
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Tên công bố Tác giả Năm xuất bản
31 A numerical homogenized law using discrete element method for continuum modelling of boundary value problems

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Nguyen D.H.; Combe G.; Desrues J.; Nguyen T.K.; Volume 54, 2020, Pages 715-720
32 Applications of Discrete Element Method (DEM) in modeling the impact of dynamic and technological parameters on the material movement on the vibrating screen surface

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Linh N.K.; Xo N.V.; Volume 843, Issue 1, 2020,
33 Seismic behaviour of rammed earth walls: a time history analysis

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Bui T.-T.; Bui Q.-B.; Volume 54, 2020, Pages 143-148
34 Numerical model of hydro–mechanical coupling DEM–PFV and application for simulation of settlement of soil saturated in embankment due to static loading

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Luong N.H.P.; Tong A.T.; Volume 54, 2020, Pages 745-750
35 Correction: Combination of discrete element method and artificial neural network for predicting porosity of gravel-bed river. [Water, 11, 7, (2019) (1461) doi: 10.3390/w11071461]

Water (Switzerland)

Rutschmann P.; Bui M.D.; Volume 12, Issue 2, 2020,
36 The prediction of fine sediment distribution in gravel-bed rivers using a combination of DEM and FNN

Water (Switzerland)

Rutschmann P.; Bui M.D.; Volume 12, Issue 6, 2020,
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