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Identifying inverse source for Diffusion equation with Conformable time derivative by Fractional Tikhonov method

Thanh Faculty of Fundamental Science, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam|
Phuong Nguyen (57305932800) | Hung Ngo (57957846000); Duc | Ha Vo Thi (57956722600); Ngoc |

Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications Số 4, năm 2022 (Tập 6, trang 433-450)

ISSN: 25872648

ISSN: 25872648

DOI: 10.31197/atnaa.1079951

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Tóm tắt tiếng anh
In this paper, we study inverse source for diffusion equation with conformable derivative: (Formula presented). We survey the following issues: The error estimate between the sought solution and the regularized solution under a priori parameter choice rule; The error estimate between the sought solution and the regularized solution under a posteriori parameter choice rule; Regularization and Lp estimate by Truncation method. � 2022, DergiPark. All rights reserved.

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