Using tabu search for solving a high school timetabling problem
Studies in Computational Intelligence Số , năm 2010 (Tập 283, trang 305-313)
ISSN: 1860949X
ISSN: 1860949X
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12090-9_26
Tài liệu thuộc danh mục: Scopus
Conference Paper
Tóm tắt tiếng anh
Tabu Search is known to be an efficient metaheuristic in solving various hard combinatorial problems, which include timetabling. This paper applies Tabu Search to a real-world high school timetabling problem, which involves assigning courses with different lengths into appropriate periods. The proposed algorithm has two phases: initialization phase using greedy algorithm and improvement phase using Tabu Search. In Tabu Search algorithm, three kinds of moves are used: single moves, swap moves and block-changing moves. The algorithm's implementation has been efficiently experimented on three real instances of two high schools in Vietnam. 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.